
Bullet major characteristics of global cities.
Bullet major characteristics of global cities.

SMART HEALTH COMMUNITIES: Cities develop health care ecosystems that are focused not only on diagnosing and treating sickness, but also on supporting well-being through early intervention and prevention, while leveraging digital technologies.ġ5-MINUTE CITY: Cities are being designed in a way that amenities and most services are within a 15-minute walking or cycling distance, creating a new neighbourhood approach. GREEN PLANNING OF PUBLIC SPACES: Cities are being planned and designed for people, with ‘green’ streets, new corridors and public spaces as centres of social life. These are the 12 trends we have identified: However, we do not suggest that all these trends form a recipe for every city – after all, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to city development.

bullet major characteristics of global cities.

They cover most of the domains of a city and touch on the main changes emerging from the pandemic. The 12 trends are not equally applicable or desirable for all cities.

Bullet major characteristics of global cities.